Auroras tonight in Alaska, possible northern states.

Tonight, the aurora forecast is active, with the lights possibly being seen in Alaska, Canada, and the northern states. Kp 4 expected. The dark sky in Fairbanks is approx 11:30pm to 3:30am. Time is closing in. Live updates on social media will not be given anymore for this season. The timeframe is too small.

You can see from this photo when it gets dark. This is a static photo taken at 5pm April 20, 2015. The colors in this photo depict every 5 minutes, and the timestamp is on the bottom. Note the dark hours are very small, as stated before, about the 00:00 mark to the 03:00 mark. Sunshine and clouds create the other colors. You can see a live photo anytime by looking at the cam page. April 20 2015 photo slices

The cam will be left up all summer, but will be reduced to one photo every hour. In August, the new aurora season will begin for interior Alaska. Please email me with any questions. Next season, I will be changing the way I do things. Be sure to subscribe to be notified of the latest come August.