Oct 21/22 forecast Kp 2

Tonight’s aurora forecast calls for quiet to unsettled. The Kp level is predicted to remain 2. In interior and northern Alaska, this gives us a good chance at seeing good auroras tonight. In south central and southeast Alaska, there is less of a chance. Cloudy in the Fairbanks area, so I will be getting a little sleep.

Last night much of the state saw faint, but beautiful auroras. Streaks of soft lights were seen in every direction in the interior, and toward the north in south central. Bluish tints, with a palette of fainter colors occassionally streaked above.

The temperatures are slowly getting colder. Be prepared when heading out. In the next week or two, get to know the roads you plan on using to watch the auroras. Know where the shoulders are, the ditches, and any pullouts or side roads. When the snow arrives, and doesn’t melt, you will be more confident in heading out in the middle of the night to catch the lights.