Aurora Borealis Notifications, what is it?

Over the years I have changed what I do to help you see the aurora. I have tried different things, and as time moves on, people want to do things different ways. These days, people love to rely on apps instead of actual sightings with the human eye. There is no app that tells you the aurora is out, none…unless you are seeing a webcam app that shows current or live aurora on camera.

I used to only notify people on Facebook and Twitter. I continue to do share on social media with reports from people all over the world. I share current photos that keep you in the know of what is happening in the night sky. If it is happening over my area, I share my own photos. This is not about me though, it is about sharing the aurora seen in the sky so no one misses it. That is the reasoning behind me not sharing only my photos.

Gary Kallberg, Fox Alaska, big aurora with fall leaves

So now, what I do is share your reports and aurora photos on social media. Spreading the news that the aurora is out or was seen, with date and location on every photo or post. I never use scheduled posts. All my posts are live. You can know I am available and live when you see a new post.

I refer people to tour guides and accommodation. Have you seen the choices of tours and experiences? There are so many. You can read the reviews and see the photos and decide from there. I know all the guides I recommend. Same for places to stay, I have been to all of them. Some tours and places may not fit all people, and some may find it perfect for what they are looking for.

Not all places on short term rental websites have aurora viewing. A photo means aurora was seen there….but is it seen every night (when clear?) maybe not. Can you see it from bed or the living room window?That is where I can help, if that is what you seek.

I see aurora every night from my place in North Pole, Alaska. Sometimes it is faint and fleeting. Sometimes the clouds cover the entire sky. It is sometimes possible to drive away from the clouds. Sometimes clear skies are near, and sometimes more than 100 miles away. My webcam has captured aurora every night it is clear for many years. I am also up and watching the sky and the current space weather data.

Thousands of people have seen the aurora because of Aurora Borealis Notifications and the people who have shared reports and photos. Thank you all for sharing this amazing and magical phenomena.

To sum it up, this website and my social media accounts help people see the aurora (this part is free). In person for a small fee, I help people by texting how to see the lights, where to go, which tour guides may suit them, and ideal places to stay. I also help tour guides by providing needed help. Please text me for more information, my fee is reasonable. ~Amy

light pollution at a local hotel.
big show