Author: auroranotify

aurora update for Oct 10

Aurora update from NOAA Space Wx…..The G1 storm forecast is extended to Oct 11/12/13. Tonight’s forecast is still Kp 5, however we are not yet at the elevated levels, it is moving up slowly… Clouds will block the aurora, so you must drive away from any weather….It has been raining and snowing in Fairbanks and…

Kp 5 predicted for Oct 10/11

Be on the lookout for auroras Oct 10/11. The forecast is calling for G1 storm conditions (Kp 5) due to the anticipated arrival of a recurrent, polar-connected, positive polarity CHHSS. All of Canada, Alaska, and the upper portion of the contiguous USA have a good chance at seeing auroras. Look to the north, and have…