Kp levels map

NOAA Kp levels map Check out this map to see what approximate Kp levels are needed in your area. Click on the map itself to go to the website, then click it again to show your latitude. Tonight is predicted to be a Kp 5, possible 6.

75% chance of severe storms according to NOAA. Let’s hope they are right!

The aurora forecast was just updated at NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center, and it remains great for tonight. Although they say “quiet to minor storm levels”, this means a great show for Alaska and Northern Canada tonight. Southern areas of Canada and the upper portion of the contiguous USA may see active aurora low on…


Check out the ovation aurora forecast. This map shows where the aurora has been detected. The current kp level is very high, fluctuating between 5 and 8, currently at 7. The upper portion of the US and parts of Canada should be able to see it tonight. Head away from any light pollution, and try…