Auroras incoming! G2 forecast

G2 storm incoming

Sometime on Oct 11, the space weather forecast is calling for G2 conditions (Kp 6). This storm could hit early in the morning, or sometime during our day in Alaska.

The solar winds are slowly climbing over the past day, and space weather conditions to view aurora are very good tonight and tomorrow night. Current data here.

If the data is good, and the CME hits as forecast, those in the northern contiguous USA and southern Canada may see aurora. BE READY!

A CME is a coronal mass ejection. This is good news for aurora watchers as it may bring us a nice show!

The weather needs to be at least somewhat clear for us to see the aurora. Overcast skies will block the view of the northern lights. Partly cloudy is ok. You can see aurora in areas that are clear. See the stars = see aurora.

Most areas, you need to look to the north. Look low to the ground if the aurora is not overhead. If you are in the far north, such as Fairbanks Alaska, during a big event, you may have to look to the south!

Chena Outdoor Collective Reindeer and Aurora
near Fairbanks, Alaska

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