Kp 4 forecast for tonight, clear skies in AK
Kp 4 is forecast according to NOAA Space Weather. Clear skies are over Fairbanks, Anchorage, Alaska, and on the Yukon Quest trail to Whitehorse, Yukon.
Kp 4 is forecast according to NOAA Space Weather. Clear skies are over Fairbanks, Anchorage, Alaska, and on the Yukon Quest trail to Whitehorse, Yukon.
Auroras are starting up now over most of Alaska, data is looking great. However, the weather is poor for viewing in some areas. Alaska: Fairbanks overcast, forecast cloudy all night long. -24F Healy snow -22F Anchorage partly cloudy, could clear ***WATCH FOR AURORAS*** -6F Kenai **** AURORA CHANCES ARE HIGH**** Clear skies!!!! -1F Homer ****…
Auroras are forecast Kp 3 tonight and Kp 4 tomorrow night. As it is now at 825 pm Alaska time, data is slowly picking up. Data is expected to improve as we head toward morning, overnight. The weather in Fairbanks, Anchorage, and the MatSu Valley is cloudy, making for poor viewing. Any areas in the…
Saturday night in Fairbanks… The forecast tonight is Kp 4, and the weather forecast for Fairbanks, we are currently seeing -12F and clear. Anchorage is at +15F and clear. Near Fairbanks, there is an aurora cam from the UAF Geo Phys Institute. And in North Pole, Alaska, we have an allsky cam here. We also…
Dec 10/11 Tonight’s forecast is Kp 4 and we may see Kp 4 two nights in a row. This means much of Alaska and most of Canada may see auroras. Clouds will affect viewing. Always start off by looking to the north if you cannot see anything overhead. Today’s question in the facebook group: Do…