Kp 9

CME expected tonight, plus more auroras this week due to X flare

CME expected tonight, plus more auroras this week due to X flare

TONIGHT expected arrival of the CME. This is separate from the X class flare also being reported. That means EVEN MORE high level auroras coming very soon!!! NOAA is forecasting Kp 7 and the “yellow line”. But really, those in the “red line” area on this map, be ready as well. What does “be ready”…

Lights seen tonight!!! Head on out if you are in the northern contiguous USA and most of Canada!

The data is excellent and we hit Kp 9 for a short time this morning. Europe did see some lights, but the Bz did not cooperate most of their night. Clouds cover some of northern Europe as well. Now that it is dark in the contiguous USA, reports are coming in to ABN. Lights are…

Auroras imminent tonight! Alaska, Canada, northern US states

Auroras imminent tonight! Alaska, Canada, northern US states

Auroras imminent tonight. It’s a bold statement considering the way the aurora forecasts go. The data right now is insanely wonderful for a show tonight in Alaska, Canada, and many northern states. Also, New Zealand, southern Australia, Antarctica. If you are in a big city or in an area where the weather is poor, it…